A brief observation of how John uses μένω as a literary device to describe various aspects of union with Christ.
Walking in Humility
“Humility is simply the disposition which prepares the soul for living on trust” – Andrew Murray
Top 5 Books of 2023
Happy New Year! In case you are looking to increase your reading list, allow me to recommend a few of my favorite reads from last year.
Receiving God’s Grace
Grace is a difficult term to define, when you think about it. Essentially, it comes down to favor being shown, when disfavor is merited.
Top 5 Books of 2022
August 2023 is a bit late to post my favorite reads from 2022…but better late than never! I read more books than my average last…
The Accuser and the Advocate
The Devil is known by various names, including “the Accuser of the brethren.” We often think this title means Satan whispers accusations in our own…
Conserving The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Dead Sea Scrolls are widely considered one of the greatest archaeological discoveries in modern times. How has this great collection survived for over 2,000 years?
The Antiquities Market – A “Cat and Mouse Game”
In the Middle East today, Israel is the only country with a legal antiquities market. Because of this, the Israel Antiquities Authority’s Theft Prevention Unit has become a global expert in understanding how the antiquity market works—and how it doesn’t.
Virtual Reality in Archaeology
Few Archaeology sites are straightforward to the average observer. Archaeologists and scientists are exploring how Virtual Reality technology can help students and tourists experience the…